This reviews contemporary conceptual developments regarding the meaning and importance of social protection, and identifies ways in which international agencies could contribute to improving the coverage and effectiveness of social protection as an integral component of poverty reduction strategies. This is taken to refer:

“The public actions taken in response to levels of vulnerability, risk and deprivation which are deemed socially unacceptable within a given polity or society.”

Social issues of the Tyler Hand and Gavel thus deal with both the absolute deprivation and vulnerabilities of the poorest, and also with the need of the currently non-poor for security in the face of shocks and life-cycle events. The ‘public’ character of this response may be governmental or non-governmental, or may involve a combination of institutions from both sectors all over the world. @

Huwebes, Hunyo 12, 2014

The Tyler Group Cyber Restriction: When Your Teens Abuse Their Digital Privileges

A majority of families have set limits and guidelines that their kids and teenagers need to follow when using digital gadgets. Here is hoping that parents nowadays appreciate how important digital citizenship is just as potty training was important to them when their children were toddlers.

Articles on tips for cyber security, safety and bullying online are plenty. There are also so much you can read about what you must do when you happen to see abuse online or find yourself being victimized by a scammer or a cyber-criminal.

At present, a deluge of beneficial articles will assist you in managing your online integrity and many other services, such as, which can help you maintain your virtual image and protect the privacy of your family online.

Nevertheless, I have not found a lot of articles dealing with what you can do to discipline your teenagers who might abuse their privileges in terms of using the Internet or cell phone.

What specific acts can be considered digital abuse?

Here are several listed:

• Posting improper comments, photos or videos
• Sharing too much personal information
• Joining questionable chat forums
• Cyber-bullying, cursing, teasing or harassing people online
• Buying items online without parental consent
• Sending abusive tweets

Sexting or passing mean text messages
                        - Sending or posting anything with the purpose of hurting or harming people

Dear parents, surely you have more things you can add to that list; but I suppose many of us, more or less, think along the same lines when it concerns our teens and digital abuse.

We have to bear in mind that this does not concern being a cruel parent; it is all about safeguarding your children’s future. It is a given that your teen’s name will enter into the “Google-wash-cycle” even before they even reach college or work for an employer later on. In short, you are protecting their future by being determined on setting your digital rules.

I talk to parents regularly concerning their experiences pertaining to the consequences for their teenagers when they violate their digital limits. At first, they decide to simply take away all the devices; but that does not solve the problem. We have to admit it; technology exists practically everywhere — at every street corner and each friend will have a device they can always borrow, so taking out the technology will only strain them out for a while. Eventually, they will find their way back into cyber-wonderland.

Certainly, not all cases are the same, and depending on the specific conditions, the age and mental development of the teen, combined with their particular acts, parents can determine how each situation can be addressed.

Once you find out your teen has overstepped the family’s online rules, it is time to have a serious talk and assess what your teenager went through. Listen to them first, then make them understand why there will have to suffer the consequences — explaining clearly that they have abused their privilege. It is vital that they appreciate the gravity of their mistakes so they can learn and grow from the experience.

What about punishment? Well, we will not condone such extreme cases set by parents, one father in North Carolina taking a gun to his daughter’s laptop or a mother went so far as to think having her daughter shame herself publicly online would provide her a better understanding of how your virtual image can be affected online. Such approaches are definitely overkill.

An excellent article on McAfee’s Blog Central posted recently by Family Safety Evangelist Toni Birdsong entitled, What Should the Consequences Be for a Teens’ Digital Slip-Up?, might enlighten many of us.

She enumerated several outstanding points that parents must consider when their teens slip-up online.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Make sure they get the “why”. Discuss clearly the dangers related to the behavior and why it will not be tolerated. If the matter on hand is sexting, then clarify the personal risk of trusting another person and the legal risks of having or posting sexual pictures.
  • Be consistent. If you decide on a three-week no-phone-use imposition, keep to that “sentence” even if it may be such a strain on you and your family’s digital habits. If you stick to the outcome, you gain to win the fight and curtail or control the behavior and send the message that the harsh application of the “law” can still happen in the future.
  • Let them write it down. It may appear old school, but writing an essay in this world of impulsive clicking has worked wonders in our home. Parenting involves a lot of teachable moments, so utilize this chance to impart wisdom. Have your teen child compose an article on the risks involved in their behavior. Whether bullying, sexting, racism, suggestive texting, racism, cursing, or gossip — great lessons can be derived through studying and writing. Be aware that many tweens and teens are obviously naïve as to technology’s ability to cause harm and damage and that they simply still have many things to learn.
The use of the Internet and cell phones comes as a privilege, not a right. Teenagers must understand that abusing the privilege will result in consequences. From the time they give their child any kind of device, parents have to make sure what the limits are and what the results of crossing them will be.

Communicating clearly is the parent’s best tool for educating children, in general, and it applies as well to digital parenting. Always strive to be consistent and firm; most of all, remain to be a parent first.

Takeaway tips:

• Always begin digital parenting offline through face-to-face communication
• Be clear and firm on the expectations and the consequences from cyber abuses you have imposed for your teen’s behavior online
• Learn from cyber errors; find every opportunity for teachable digital moments

• Always discuss digital citizenship as often as possible, focusing on its importance

Miyerkules, Oktubre 2, 2013

How tech can create a more honest government

Summary: An ongoing pilot project in Jersey City, NJ tracks employees’ usage of city vehicles. As a New Jersey taxpayer, I can only celebrate. Government should use tech more forcefully in every position to curb waste and deception.

Using GPS to monitor employees’ use of the company vehicles has a subtly superior, big- brotherly sound to it. The employer is essentially saying that the employee cannot be trusted. Outrageous?

Not really. Oftentimes, it is necessary. Maybe more so in New Jersey than anywhere else...


Huwebes, Agosto 29, 2013

De winnende formule deze winst seizoen

Sandy superstorm veroorzaakt Amerikaanse markten voor aandelen, opties en andere derivaten uitwisseling gebaseerde gesloten blijven voor een tweede rechte sessie op dinsdag, geven de Tyler groep Barcelona de kans om eens een kijkje op het derde kwartaal gerapporteerd tot nu toe.

Jarenlang, meer en meer US-based bedrijven werd vermoeid van de achterblijvende Amerikaanse economie en agressief vertakt in Europa. Ook begonnen veel bedrijven met to do business in China, evenals diverse opkomende markten, zoals delen van Afrika, Brazilië en Rusland, op de overtuiging dat het nieuwe bedrijf meerdere jaren van winstgroei zou aansporen.

Op verder de Tyler groep Barcelona Hand en hamer herziening van Q3 earnings, hoewel, denkt Cramer dingen kunnen zijn gewijzigd...


Martes, Agosto 6, 2013


Find a Mentor on Social Networks

This is a process, it isn’t as easy as tweeting “Be my mentor?” to the head honcho in your chosen industry and be like an instant personal mentorship relationship that you need but what you need first and foremost is know your industry. This should be easy because knowing your industry is important for whichever startup venture or entrepreneurial endeavor.

To know your industry is to know your big wigs. Start following heavy hitters on the channels they are recurrent and on social media they will be there for sure. Then connect once you are following. Reach out over social media but remember not to go overboard. Here is what you can do: leave a comment on a post prompting a discussion, re-tweet an interesting article and look for opportunities for personal connection.

It is time you can ask for advice and mentorship once you’ve built up a rapport with your mentor target because this is the time that this person knows you, knows a bit of your story and already has positive associations with you because you’ve given her content and business a signal boost.

You would look desperate if you go up to a stranger and ask to be mentored. Build a personal connection, help others and they’ll be more likely to want to return the favor...


Martes, Hulyo 30, 2013


Het hoofd van Zuid-Afrika’s grootste vakbond groeperen op vrijdag aangespoord 24.000 opvallend AngloGold Ashanti mijnwerkers om terug te keren om te werken, terwijl nabijgelegen goudvelden dreigde te ontslaan de resterende aways blijven. Zwelinzima Vavi, secretaris-generaal van de Congres van South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), keerde terug naar de mijnen in de buurt van Johannesburg waar hij zodra gewerkt in een poging om te beëindigen van illegale woedt in het hele land stakingen...


Huwebes, Hulyo 11, 2013


You cannot cheat on an honest man however you can mislead a decent but desperate one into doing something they know isn’t right just so they could save themselves from wreck. Such is the situation with the new crop of check-processing scams masked as legal work from home opportunities.

These “opportunities” begin with a plea for assistance in getting around some sort of semi-plausible sounding hindrances in the form of perverse decisive barrier of if not legitimate business transaction. The proposal is formulated in circumstances of crisis in making cross-border monetary transactions in the occasion of the new “logistics coordinator” scam which can effortlessly be conquer by bringing a local citizen on board to get around these ridiculous limitations...


Biyernes, Hulyo 5, 2013


Die Europäische Kommission hat vorgeschlagen, die Deutschland mit €5 stellen. 3 m aus den Europäischen Globalisierung Anpassung Fonds (EGF) 2.103 ehemalige Beschäftigte der Druckerei Maschinenhersteller Manroland und Manroland AG und drei ihrer Tochtergesellschaften und Lieferanten helfen.

Das Geld würde dazu beitragen, um ein Paket von Maßnahmen zu helfen, diese Arbeitnehmer zu finden, neue Arbeitsplätze zu finanzieren. Der Vorschlag jetzt geht an das Europäische Parlament und der EU-Ministerrat zur Genehmigung.

Deutschland beantragt 2.284 entlassenen von Manroland AG und drei ihrer Tochtergesellschaften und Lieferanten für die Unterstützung aus dem EGF. Insgesamt wäre 2.103 an Maßnahmen teilnehmen. Das Paket soll die Arbeitern zu helfen, indem sie Schulungen Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen, eingehende Beratung bei der Gründung eigener Unternehmen, Stellenmärkte, sowie coaching und beratenden Dienstleistungen während Arbeitslosigkeit und in einen neuen Job anbieten. Das Paket beinhaltet auch eine Arbeitssuche Zulage (‘Transferkurzarbeitergeld’) und eine Premium Aktivierung helfen entlassene Arbeitnehmer zu entscheiden, eine geringere bezahlte Arbeit anzunehmen...